For more than 10 years, CR Electric have performed digging- and fiber work for big customers.

In the department of fiber- and digging contracts, there are hired upto 50 skilled people, who all perform quality work for our customers with their expertise in order. In the past couple of years, we have - luckily - had a lot of work and are therefore focused on expanding the department with more employees, so we, continuing can deliver quality solutions for our customers.

Our work within fiber- and digging contracts consists among others:
● To close down COAX-cables, fiber cables as well as electrical cables. ● Fibre blowdown as well as blowdown of new fibres in existing pipes. ● All forms of incrustation ● Restoration of area

"Our talented people have the skill set and deliver quality solutions to our customers exclusively." - Jan Ruben Petersen, contract manager.

Cooperation with TDC and Dansk Kabel TV

In cooperation with TDC and Dansk Kabel TV, we are contractors at Denmark's biggest fibre investment, where we have the responsibility to exchange all existing copper cords for fibre and ensure that the concept "Fibre to Home" executes. TDC have invested 25 mia. kr. in the project, which will run over seven years.